Adding Items and Bundles
Items are products, licenses, or services that will be requested and ordered.
To add an Item to the project, navigate to Project Settings > Checkout > Items > Add Item
Items can be selected by customers from the customer portal.
To create, Items require the following attributes:
Type (Product, Service, License)
Category (Created by the administrators of the project)
Short Description
Detailed Description
Company Cost
Providing Vendor (Created by the administrators of the project)
SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)
Administrators can also add specs or images for an Item
Existing lists of Items can be imported using the Import functionality.
Bundles are groups of Items that are commonly ordered together. Bundles do not require that Items share the same Vendor.
To create a Bundle, navigate to Project Settings > Checkout > Items > Add Bundle
Bundles require the following attributes to create:
Additionally, each Bundles can have images attached to it.