Item Custom Fields (Attributes)


To perform administration actions on Categories, navigate to Project Settings > Checkout > Custom Fields.

Only users with the Administrators project role can view and edit the Categories administration page in Checkout.

Each item can optionally have custom fields to aid in creating a procurement request.

Creating Category Custom Fields

Navigate to Project Settings > Checkout > Custom Fields

  1. Adding Category Field:

    • Click on 'Add Category Field'.

    • Enter the field name, description, and select the field type.

    • Save the field.

    • Repeat the process to add more fields if necessary.


  1. Associating Fields with Categories: Return to the category list and associate your newly created custom fields with one or more categories.

You’re All Set!

Now that you’ve created one or more custom fields, you can now use them in your items, as long as each of those items are associated with the category which has been associated to your custom field(s).



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