Change Currency

Change Currency

To enhance the global shopping experience, Checkout enables the customization of currency settings for each Jira Service Management portal. This feature ensures a personalized shopping experience tailored to various regions. If you oversee multiple portals, you have the flexibility to assign a unique currency to each, accommodating the specific needs of diverse customer bases. Below is a streamlined guide to adjusting your currency settings.


Accessing Checkout Settings

  • Through Project Settings: Go to Project Settings > Checkout > Purchase Order.

  • Via Checkout Hub: Navigate to Checkout hub > Settings > Purchase Orders.

Setting the New Currency

  • Scroll to the currency selection at the bottom of the Purchase Orders page.

  • Select your new currency from the dropdown.

  • Click Save to implement the change.

Key Points

  • Changes are effective immediately for the project's Checkout.

  • Each portal can have a distinct currency, enabling regional customization.

This streamlined process ensures your Checkout portal is adaptable to meet global market demands efficiently.



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