Make Checkout Request Type visible in the portal

Make Checkout Request Type visible in the portal

We are excited to finally present this new feature to our clients. We have wanted to do this since inception of Checkout.

Note that turning on this feature is irreversible.

This feature comes disabled for existing customer and is enable by default for new install. This allows existing customers to transition on their own timeline to the new portal.

How-To turn on Checkout Request type

Checkout requestype is hidden in old installations under hidden group. Therefore, all you need to do is to navigate to Project Settings > RequestTypes > CheckOut > >Edit

Modify the group where Checkout can be visible in the portal. The default group is general.

Save and exit.

All the fields configured in the requestType will be visible to customer in the portal. Be sure to customize the Checkout RequestType description and Icon to make it your own.


Head over to the portal and test out visibly of Checkout.



Write into our Support Desk with any questions you have.