Purchase Order Administration

Purchase Order Administration

To perform any of the actions on this page, first navigate to Project Settings > Checkout > Purchase Orders.

Only users with the Administrators project role can view and edit the Purchase Orders page in Checkout.

The Purchase Orders page enables you to Turn On/Off Purchase Orders, set Purchase Order flow type and order document layout, and set your company details.


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Purchase Order Flow Type

The Purchase Order Flow Type determines what steps an order goes through from the initial request submitted in the portal to receiving that order into inventory as an asset. There are three types: Disabled Purchase OrdersSingle Issue Order Flow, and Multiple Issues Order Flow


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Disabled Purchase Orders

Ideal for those who have an alternate PO system. This option allows you to use Checkout mainly to facilitate organizational orders without generating a Purchase Order.


Single Issue Order Flow

If this configuration is selected, Checkout will do all the order operations within a single ticket. This is the traditional method, best suited for situations where vendors won't be logging into the portal to view their Purchase Orders or produce invoices.


Multiple Issues Order Flow

For every unique vendor item requested, Checkout will produce a linked issue along with a purchase order. This method ensures each vendor views their respective purchase order when accessing the digital order via the portal. Additionally, vendors can generate invoices corresponding to these purchase orders.

Choose which flow best fits your use case and click the Save button on the bottom of the page.

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Template Layout

To Configure the Purchase Order Template Layout, click on the “Edit Template” button on the Purchase Orders page.

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Choose which template layout you wish to use, add any Notes & Instructions, and any Additional Pages, then click Save to save your changes.

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Update Company Details

To edit Company details, make updates to fields such as Company Name, URL, Main Address, ect. When all of the changes are complete, click on the Save button at the bottom of the page.

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