Customizable portal home page

Customizable portal home page


We're giving administrators the ability to set a default page for their portals, so they can quickly direct customers to the items they need to order. Whether it's the category page or the item page, you can now tailor the portal experience to best suit your customers' needs.

Header Improvements

Our checkout page headers that display lists have received a makeover to align with the Atlassian Design Guidelines. We have revamped the alignments and components to ensure a consistent and polished look that follow Atlassian's best practices and blend in with there rest of Jira pages.

Export Generated Report

Agents can now export the data generated to create charts in reports as a CSV file. Additionally, they have the option to download the chart as an image. This feature allows agents to create more complex reports in Excel and enhance their analysis.

Stuff we Fixed

Requesting items on Behalf of others

Agents are currently unable to submit requests on behalf of customers or other users, which is causing issues for our service agents.

Run Automations as Checkout

We rolled back a change we had made to comply with our Bug Bounty security assessment to limit automations access. We believe we went to far in the changes we made that excessively limited Checkout’s ability to run automations.


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