Items administration is located in the Items tab of Checkout administration. To perform any of the actions on this page, first navigate to Project Settings > Checkout > Items.
Items and Bundles are one of the central components of Checkout. Items are products, licenses, or services that will be ordered by Checkout customers. Bundles are collections of Items ordered as a package.
The Items tab allows Checkout administrators to browse through and update existing bundles. Here, project administrators can do the following :
View Items and Bundles
Project administrators can use the Items tab to view existing Items and Bundles. On the tab, administrators can use the search bar to filter existing Item definitions.
Enable Portal Price View
Administrators can control whether or not prices show on the customer portal for a particular project.
To enable the prices on the customer portal, navigate to Items > Enable Portal Price View.
To disable the prices on the custom portal, navigate to items > Disable Portal Price View.
Create new Items
To create an Item click on Add Item
Items require the following attributes to create
Category - If no Category exists, or this item will belong to a brand new Category, use the New Category button to create a new Category and add it to the item.
Short Description
Detailed Description
Vendor - If no Vendor exists, or this is an item for a Vendor does not yet exist, use the New Vendor button to create a new Vendor and add it to the item.
Company Cost
Items can also optionally contain the following attributes:
Specs - Additional specifications about the Item which customers can view.
To add images to an item, select the Images tab and upload photos of the product.
Use the Bundles section of the form to add a new Item to existing Bundles.
This field is a type ahead so that Administrators can easily find Items they want to add.
Create New Bundles
To create a Bundle click on the Add Bundle button
Bundles require the following attributes to create:
Bundle Name
Short Description
Detailed Description
Administrators can create new Items by clicking on New Item underneath the Items tab of the Add Bundles form.
Additionally, images can be added to the bundle to give users a chance to look through the items.
The Associate Items to Bundle attribute is a type ahead field, so administrators can easily find existing Items they want to add to a Bundle.
Edit Items and Bundles
Updating Items or Bundles does NOT impact previously placed orders.
As an administrator, there is the option to update attributes of previously created Items and Bundles. Any attribute on the Item or Bundle can be updated to reflect changes to the offering.
To edit an existing Item or Bundle click on the Pencil icon in the row containing the Item or Bundle.
Items found inside a Bundle can be edited as well. Any edits to those Items will be reflected on the main Item definition as well.
Deactivate and Reactive Items
If an administrator decides that an Item or Bundle should no longer be offered, they can deactivate the item by clicking the trash can Icon → Delete for the Item or Bundle.
Prior to deactivating an Item, it must be removed from all associated Bundles.
“Deleting” an Item or a Bundle will remove it from the view in the Customer Portal and prevent customers from submitting orders with those items.
Administrators can deactivate multiple items at once using the Bulk Delete function.
Viewing Deleted Items
To view a deleted Item, click on … → View Inactive Items
This will show a list of all deleted Items in the project.
Deleted Items can be filtered using the search bar.
Reactivate Items
Any of the Items can be restored to an active status by clicking the Activate button. This will place it back into the Active items section and back on the customer portal.
Import Items
To import existing Items, follow the import guide.
Export Items
Checkout allows users to export existing Item definitions. These can be imported into a different Checkout project.