Importing Configurations into Checkout

Importing Configurations into Checkout


Only users with the Administrators project role can view and edit the Import administration dialogs in Checkout.

Checkout was built with functionality to enable Checkout administrators to import existing Addresses, Departments, Vendors, Items, and Categories.

At some point when importing configurations, you may get a ‘Wrong International Format’ error after importing a seemingly properly-formatted CSV file. This error occurs when one of the phone numbers being imported in your CSV file does not exactly match the format that Checkout is expecting. To resolve this, review your current list of configurations or try to create a new one manually, and review the phone number formatting that Checkout requires for the country selected. Your desired phone numbers must match the expected format exactly for Checkout to successfully import the entirety of your CSV file.

Importing Locations

Checkout allows administrators to import a CSV file containing Locations which can be used by customers when placing orders.

In order to import a file, it must be a CSV file with the following headers

  1. Id - Unique identifier of the address

  2. Address - Street Address of the shipping address.

  3. Address2 (Optional)

  4. City - City for the shipping address

  5. State ID - Must be the one of the state codes found here.

  6. Country ID - Must use one of the country codes found here.

  7. Postal Code

  8. Phone Number

  9. Head Quarter - Indicated whether this address is the main address. Valid values are TRUE or FALSE

  10. Email - Reply to email for updates on the Purchase Order.

  11. Ship To Email - This email will be used for fulfilling License purchases.


To import, navigate to Project Settings > Checkout > Locations > … > Import


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After selecting the file to import, the columns of the CSV file will need to be mapped to the appropriate columns. If the header row was named using the values above, Checkout will auto map the columns to the corresponding name.

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After mapping all the columns, select the Next button. On the Refine tab, corrections can be made to the specific line items to address any issues, and any items not wanted can be dropped by unchecking the Import box.

When any changes have been finalized, click Next. Review the import summary to make sure it is correct, and click Finish Import to kick the process off. Any errors will be reported when the import is complete.

Importing Cost Centers

To create multiple Cost Centers at once, administrators can use the Import functionality. Checkout allows administrators to import Cost Center using a CSV file.

The CSV file for the Cost Center should have the following columns with a header row:

  1. Id - Must be a unique ID.

  2. Name - Name of the Cost Center.

  3. Code - Cost Center code.

  4. Budget - Budget for the Cost Center.

  5. Contact Email - Contact Email for the Cost Center.

  6. Account ID - Cost Center contact. This is a user picker field, and the contact must have a Jira account. The value is expected in the form of AccountId. Account ID’s for each user can be collected by exporting the users from the site. This should be done by a Jira admin.

After selecting the file to import, the columns of the CSV file will need to be mapped to the appropriate columns. If the header row was named using the values above, Checkout will auto map the columns to the corresponding name.

After mapping all the columns, select the Next button. On the Refine tab, corrections can be made to the specific line items to address any issues, and any items not wanted can be dropped by unchecking the Import box.

When any changes have been finalized, click Next. Review the import summary to make sure it is correct, and click Finish Import to kick the process off. Any errors will be reported when the import is complete.

Importing Vendors

To create multiple Items at once, administrators can use the Import functionality. Checkout allows administrators to import Vendors using a CSV file.

The CSV file requires a header row, and must contain the following columns:

  • Id - Should be a unique value, this should be left unmapped for imports of new vendors.

  • Name - Vendor Name

  • Email - Vendor Email

  • Primary Contact - Primary contact Name

  • City

  • Postal Code

  • Address

  • Address2 (Optional)

  • Phone Number

  • Country (Spell Country names out fully)

  • State (Spell state names out fully)

After selecting the file to import, the columns of the CSV file will need to be mapped to the appropriate columns. If the header row was named using the values above, Checkout will auto map the columns to the corresponding name.


Use the Refine tab to specify which Items will be imported into the project, and to correct any errors or mistakes found.

Finally, use the Finish Import button to import the Items.

Importing Items

To create multiple Items at once, administrators can use the Import Items functionality. Checkout allows administrators to import Items using a CSV file.

The CSV file requires a header row and must contain the following columns:

  • ID - ID of the Item which will be imported.

  • Type - This should be one of these values PRODUCT, LICENSE, BUNDLE, SERVICE - all uppercase

  • Category - Category the Item belongs to. This should match the ID used when Categories were imported. If you are unsure about the Category ID, you can export the categories to see the IDs.

  • Name - Name of the Item.

  • Short Description - The short description of the Item.

  • Full Description - Full description of the Item. This should match the ID used when Vendors were imported. Currently, there is no support for importing Items into Vendors which were created through the UI.

  • Price - Cost of the Item.

  • Vendor Id - ID of the Vendor which supplies the Item.

  • SKU - Stock Keeping Unit of the Item.

  • Display in Catalog - This should be either TRUE or FALSE, all upper case

  • Item List - Required if importing a bundle. The value should be itemid_count,item2id_count. Example 1234_1,12345_2 will import a bundle with one item of id 1234, and two items with id 12345.

In addition to the required columns, the importer also supports importing Items with images and specs.

Importing Specs

  • To import Specs for an Item, add a new column to the CSV file with the header Specs.

  • The values placed in the column, should be in the form of [spec1,spec2]

  • Example: [1TB storage, 1000MB/s transfer speeds, Fingerprint scanner and password protection]

  • If there are no specs to import for an Item, just put “[]“ into Specs column for the Item.

  • When importing, make sure that the Specs column is mapped to Specs.

Importing Images

  • To import images for Items, add as many columns with the header Image as the maximum number of images being added to one of the Items. For example, if two items are being imported and one has 1 image, and the other has 4, include 4 columns with the header Image.

  • When filling out the image columns, leave them blank if the Item has no images.

  • If the Item does have Images, but has fewer than the maximum number, fill out the columns from left to right, leaving any extra Image columns blank.

  • The values which should be placed in the columns will be the URL’s where the Images can be accessed from the internet and without requiring credentials.

    • One way to achieve this would be to upload the images to an internet facing web server.

After selecting the file to import, the columns of the CSV file will need to be mapped to the appropriate columns. If the header row was named using the values above, Checkout will auto map the columns to the corresponding name.

Use the Refine tab to specify which Items will be imported into the project, and to correct any errors or mistakes found.

Finally, use the Finish Import button to import the Items.

Importing Categories

To create multiple Categories at once, administrators can use the Import Categories functionality. Checkout allows administrators to import Categories using a CSV file.

The CSV file must have three columns: ID, Name, Description. The import file will need a header row.

  • ID - The ID of the Category. This should be a unique numerical number.

  • Name - The name of the Category.

  • Description - The short description which will be associated with the Category.

After selecting the file to import, the columns of the CSV file will need to be mapped to the ID, Name, and Description values.

Use the Refine tab to narrow the scope of Categories being imported.

Finally, click on Finish Import to import the Categories.


Write into our Support Desk with any questions you have.

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