Checkout provides administrators with the ability to generate Items, Vendors, and Categories using the Load Sample Data Set function if it is desired to demo Checkout.
This function can only be used once per project if there are no Items created.
Add Cost Centers
Cost centers are department accounts in your organization that items are billed against.
Every order placed requires the customer to select a Cost Center which will be charged for the items purchased.
To create a Cost Center, administrators can navigate to Project Settings > Checkout > Cost Centers (under Procurement section) > Add Cost Center.
Each Cost Center requires the following to create:
Select Configure fields in order to configure various fields attached to all Items in the category. These fields can either be read-only or customer-input. Read more about Category fields here.
Add Vendors
Vendors are the companies you source your Items from and indicate where Purchase Orders for those items are sent.
Each Item created requires an associated Vendor. Create at least one Vendor in the project for the Items to use.
To create a Vendor, navigate to Project Settings > Checkout >Vendors > Add Vendor.
Vendors require the following attributes to create: