Checkout Hub

Checkout Hub

The Checkout hub is the central workspace where Agents can access different areas that are useful to their work. The Checkout hub is accessible from the left-hand navigation of your service management project, labeled “Checkout.”





Assets / Inventory

This section lists of all Asset Types that exist in your Checkout. This is the central location where agents can search and manage all assets / inventory Checkout.


A lists of all Cost centers (departments, business unit, subsidiary ), Primary Contacts, and allocated Budgets for each department. Agent can also see an audit report of each item ordered by each department and be able to edit the budgets.


A list of all curated items available in Checkout Catalog. This list includes bundles - two or more items grouped together that can be orders as one item.


A lists the Item Categories and their descriptions in Checkout Catalog.


A list of all Orders placed in Checkout and allows the Agent to quickly review Order Status and other related details as well as take action to fulfill orders and create backfill for the items.


A lists the current Vendors in Checkout and their contact information.



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