Administrator's Guide

Administrator's Guide

Network Availability

Charlotte relies on your agent being able to connect to the internet to download Selenese Runner. Make sure that your agent can reach api.github.com otherwise the dropdown to select the version of the runner will not be populated.

Load Capabilities

Some browsers need drivers on the agent to help launch the browser. To make life easy for you, Charlotte comes with most of the server drivers preinstalled (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE). If you have installed Charlotte for the first time, the internal agent (responsible for running Selenium tests), needs to tell Charlotte what its capabilities are. That is, the agent's OS and the drivers that can be installed Charlotte. To do this, all that is required is a simple server capabilities update. This will allows Charlotte to detect OS of the current system as well as install the drivers that can run in the OS. On your remote agents this is configured automatically for you when the agent starts up or is restarted. 

Linux Headless Agents

Charlotte can run on headless agents provided Xvfb is installed on the agent. Charlotte automatically starts Xvfb, runs the tests and then shuts it down. Make sure you have Xvfb installed in your headless agents as well as all browsers you would like to test on. Ubuntu is the preferred headless agent.