Manage Items and Bundles

Manage Items and Bundles

Items administration is located in the Items tab of Checkout administration. To perform any of the actions on this page, first navigate to Project Settings > Checkout > Items.

Only users with the Administrators project role can view and edit the Items and Bundles pages in Checkout.


Items and Bundles are one of the central components of Checkout. Items are products, licenses, or services that will be ordered by Checkout customers. Bundles are collections of Items ordered as a package.

The Items tab allows Checkout administrators to view, add, update, and delete items and bundles as well as import items via a CSV file. Here, project administrators can do the following:

Find and View Items and Bundles

Project administrators can use the Items tab to view existing Items and Bundles. On the left-hand side of the top toolbar, there is a search bar that administrators can use to filter existing Items.




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Creating new Items

  • To create an Item, click on Add Item.

    Screen Shot 2024-03-06 at 11.39.31 AM.png

  • Items require the following attributes:

    • Item Name

    • Type

    • Category - If no Category exists, or this item will belong to a brand new Category, use the New Category button to create a new Category and add it to the item.

    • Providing Vendor - An items needs to be associated with a vendor. If a Vendor does not yet exist, use the New Vendor button to create a new Vendor and add it to the item.



  • Depending on what Category you select, there may be additional attributes to fill out (these values are set in Category Configuration):

    • Short Description

    • Detailed Description

    • Company Cost - Expected cost of item from vendor.

    • SKU

    • Specs - Additional specifications about the Item which customers can view.

    • Custom Fields: Items can optionally use custom fields. Custom fields are setup and associated with a Category in which items belong. When an item is associated with a category that has Custom fields, an Extra Attribute tab will be presented to allow you to enable the custom fields for the items in that category.

  • Images

    • To add images to an item, select the Images tab and upload photos of the product.

  • Bundles

    • Use the Bundles section of the form to add a new Item to existing Bundles.

    • This field is a type ahead so that Administrators can easily find Items they want to add.

  • Display in Catalog





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Custom Field Display Types

There are different ways to display custom fields to users when they view an item in the Catalog.

  1. Read-Only

All custom fields by default display as read-only in the Catalog. Both of the icons in the upper-right corner should be left unselected for this display type.

  1. Edit In Catalog

All custom fields can be configured to allow customers to add/edit values when viewing the item details in the catalog. Select the Edit In Catalog icon in the upper-right corner for this display type. You have the option to make this required. If a custom field is required, the Add To Cart button will be disabled when viewing the item details in the Catalog until a value has been entered.



  1. Option Group

Custom fields of type Short Text can be configured to require customers to select one of a pre-defined list of values where each option can be attached to a unique price. This allows for the configuration of add-ons to the base item. Select the Option Group icon in the upper-right corner for this display type.



Creating New Bundles

To create a Bundle, click on the Add Bundle button.




  • Bundles require the following attributes to create:

    • Bundle Name

    • Category

    • Short Description

    • Detailed Description

    • Item(s)

      • Administrators can create new Items by clicking on New Item underneath the Items tab of the Add Bundles form.

  • Additionally, images can be added to the bundle to give users a chance to look through the items.

  • The Associate Items to Bundle attribute is a type ahead field, so administrators can easily find existing Items they want to add to a Bundle.

  • Display in Catalog

    • In the upper-right hand of the Add/Edit Item Dialog, you will see a Display in Catalog toggle. If this is toggled as checked, the item being edited will be displayed in the portal Catalog for customers to request. If it is toggled as an x, this item will be hidden from the portal Catalog. We have written a dedicated document for Item Visibility here.

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Edit Items and Bundles

Updating Items or Bundles does NOT impact previously placed orders.

As an administrator, there is the option to update attributes of previously created Items and Bundles. Any attribute on the Item or Bundle can be updated to reflect changes to the offering.

To edit an existing Item or Bundle, click on the Pencil icon in the row containing the Item or Bundle.

Items found inside a Bundle can be edited as well. Any edits to those Items will also be reflected on the main Item definition.

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Deactivate and Reactivate Items

If an administrator decides that an Item or Bundle should no longer be offered, they can deactivate the item by clicking the trash can icon → Delete for the Item or Bundle.

Prior to deactivating an Item, it must be removed from all associated Bundles.

“Deleting” an Item or a Bundle will remove it from the view in the Customer Portal and prevent customers from submitting orders with those items.

Administrators can deactivate multiple items at once using the Batch Delete function.



Viewing Deleted Items

To view a deleted Item, click on … → View Inactive Items



This will show a list of all deleted Items in the project.


Deleted Items can be filtered using the search bar.

Reactivate Items

Any of the Items can be restored to an active status by clicking the Activate button. This will place it back into the Active items section and back on the customer portal.

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Item Visibility (Display in Catalog)

Items can be hidden from the catalog by project administrators. For details on how to do this, please see this page.

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Import Items

To import existing Items, follow the import guide.

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Export Items

Checkout allows users to export existing Item definitions.

To export, navigate to … > Export. Once downloaded, these definitions can be imported into a different Checkout project.

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