Asset Types

Asset Types

To perform administration actions on Asset Types, navigate to Project Settings > Checkout > Asset Types.

Only users with the Administrators project role can view and edit the Asset Types administration page in Checkout.

What is an Asset Type?

An asset type is a categorization of your assets and managing asset types is critical to getting it right. Customer can manage asset types right within Checkout regardless of the provider. For example you can manage Jira Assets asset types using Checkout.

Asset Types are pivotal to Checkout because they facilitate culmination of assets journey after the asset has been ordered from a vendor.

Categories are project-specific. Asset Types span all the projects in a single Jira Instance. So when you create or edit an Asset Type in one project, your changes will appear in all other Checkout projects in that instance.

Managing Asset Types

Managing asset types entails:

  1. Creating Asset types within an asset management provider.

  2. Importing and mapping asset types from integrated vendors

  3. Managing the attributes needed to manage every asset within the configured asset types.

Creating Asset Types

Creating Asset Types is easy to do! To create an Asset Type, click on the Create Asset Type button.



The following details will be required:

  1. Name

  2. Description

After filling in these details, administrators can manage the attributes for their Asset Type.

If external Asset providers, including Jira Assets, have been integrated with Checkout, each provider will have an option in the Create Asset Type dropdown.

Creating Jira Asset Types

After selecting “Jira Assets” in the Create Asset Type dropdown, the details that will need to be filled out are the same as above except for an additional “Schema” field which is the Jira Assets method of organizing Asset Types. Learn more about object schemas here.

Import Existing Asset Types

If an external asset provider has an asset type/schema already that you wish to import, click the dropdown and click “Import existing.”


In the Selection Details drawer, select the provider, schema and asset type and click Next and fill out the rest of the details.


Managing Asset Type Attributes



In the Asset Type Attributes table, you can set various attributes as required. Some attributes must be required or not, these are disabled.


Actions - Remove

In the Asset Type Attributes table, you can remove an Attribute from the Asset Type by clicking the trash icon.


Actions - Manage Selectable Options

Between the Required switch and trash icon, certain Attributes will have an action “Manage selectable options.” This allows you to choose which of the Attribute options you want to make available for this particular Asset Type.



Next Steps

Configure the Attributes of your Assets in order to fully configure Assets in Checkout.



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