



Actions run specific tasks that modify or act on issue field valuess. Actions in Abacus include :

  • Formulas,

  • Edit Issue Fields,

  • Field value mapping,

  • Email, and Slack .

All actions are independent of one another and can be used in conjunction with one another to achieve a solution.



  1. Numeric Formula - Select from the Numeric Formulas that you have previously created.

  2. Date Formula - Select from the Date Formulas that you have previously created.

  3. Duration Formula - Select from the Duration Formulas that you have previously created.

  4. Edit Issue Fields - Automatically update issue fields with custom values.

  5. Send Email - Receive notifications to your email.

  6. Send Slack Message - Receive notifications through slack.

  7. Map Field Value - Create a value map for a fields predefined values.



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