Smart Values

Smart Values


Checkout automation offers valuable smart values that empower users to seamlessly integrate Checkout and Jira data into Jira fields, allowing for personalized content across various tickets.

These smart values fall into two main categories:

Checkout Attributes

  • {{ItemCount}} - Provides the total number of items in the order.

  • {{OrderTotal}} - Displays the overall price of all items in the order.

  • {{ItemNames}} - Lists the names of individual items in the order.

Jira Fields

  • {{Assignee}} - Retrieves the name of the assignee for the Checkout order.

  • {{Description}} - Retrieves the description associated with the Checkout Order.

  • {{Reporter}} - Retrieves the name of the reporter for the Checkout order.

  • {{IssueKey}} - Retrieves the issueKey for the Checkout Order.

  • {{Summary}} - Retrieves the Summary of the Checkout Order.

  • {{DueDate}} - Retrieves the Due Date of the Checkout Order.

Example Use

An example of how to user smart values. Sending a completed order to IT team for assembly and shipping.



If there are other values you would like presented as smart values, please reach out to our support team.


Write into our Support Desk with any questions you have.

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